Rental Agencies
Housing Connections.
It has around 80,000 units listed. is a
national search which will help you find an
apartment as well as condos, town homes, and
Apartment Finder
is another national site which can help you find
an apartment in a city, college apartments as
well as military apartments.
Apartment Guide
allows you to search by city and neighborhoods,
military, college, corporate, senior living and
also in Spanish.
Craig's List is
a place to find most anything. Advertising is
free. You can search for a room to rent as well
as apartments or housing.
Renter is a
site that rates buildings according to how
environmentally friendly their building it. The GreenRenter Score provides a snapshot of a
building's sustainability using a scale of 1 to
5, the higher the number the greener the
House for
Rent is a
national site which uses state and county as
their search criteria for finding houses,
apartments, condos, duplexes, and townhouses for
Oregon Rental Houses
services Portland Oregon, The Willamette Valley,
and Vancouver Washington with over 4000 homes
for rent each month. There is no fee to look for
a home.
Oakwood is a worldwide
temporary housing company. |
Click on any city below to find all the information
you'll need to know when relocating to the Greater Metropolitan Portland Oregon
area. You will be able to find all the important information about each city
such as: closest employers, modes of transport, housing, high school, middle
school, private school, daycare and infant schools, religious affiliations,
parks and recreation, entertainment, demographics, local libraries, clubs and
associations, restaurants, available sports, history about the city, nearby and
surrounding cities, and pictures of what the city look like.
Aloha, Oregon |
Banks, Oregon |
Beaverton, Oregon |
Boring, Oregon |
Canby, Oregon |
Clackamas, Oregon |
Corbett, Oregon |
Oregon |
Damascus, Oregon |
Oregon |
Forest Grove, Oregon |
Gladstone, Oregon |
Gresham, Oregon |
Happy Valley, Oregon |
Hillsboro, Oregon |
King City, Oregon |
Lake Oswego, Oregon |
McMinnville, Oregon |
Milwaukie, Oregon |
Newberg, Oregon |
North Plains, Oregon |
Oregon City, Oregon |
Rainier, Oregon |
Sandy, Oregon |
Oregon |
Sherwood, Oregon |
Helens, Oregon |
Tigard, Oregon |
Troutdale, Oregon |
Tualatin, Oregon |
Vernonia, Oregon |
West Linn, Oregon |
Wilsonville, Oregon |
Portland |
Downtown Portland |
Northeast Portland |
Northwest Portland |
North Portland |
Southwest Portland |
Southeast Portland |
Cedar Hills Area
Cedar Mill Area
Forest Heights
Oak Grove
Rosemont Raleigh Hills Persimmon