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Guide to Fishing in Oregon's Great Outdoors

Here is a list of lakes and rivers you could fish at in Oregon separated by region.
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Oregon Fishing Information: 
There are numerous recommended sites for beginners or children. These sites have been chosen with families in mind they are easily accessible by car and they are well stocked with fish.


Coffenbury Lake: From Hwy 101 north of Seaside, follow signs to Fort Stevens State Park. Turn onto Ridge Road, entering the park at the southernmost gate, which is signed for Coffenbury Lake and the campground.

Big Creek Reservoirs 1 and 2: Turn east on NE Big Creek Road in northern Newport near Mile Post 139. Follow for 1.5 miles; turn right at first junction, left at second junction. Reservoir 2 is a half mile past Reservoir 1 and offers bank fishing access.

Lost Lake: Lost Lake is accessible via forest roads in the Coast Range Mountains west of Hwy 26. Take Hwy 26 to Nehalem River Road. Follow Nehalem River Road south about 8 miles to Spruce Run Park. From Hwy 101, take Miami River-Foley Creek Road to Foss Road. Take Foss Road (becomes Nehalem River Road) northeast about 15 miles to Spruce Run Park. Turn east on Lost Lake Road and proceed about 5 miles to the lake.

Veronia Pond: Vernonia Pond is located on the south edge of Vernonia on Hwy 47 between Hwys 26 and 30. Take Hwy 26 west toward Seaside and follow the signs to Vernonia (about 43 miles from Portland).
Hebo Lake: From Salem, travel west on Hwy 22 towards Hebo. Just before the Hwy 101 junction, turn off Hwy 22 on to Forest Road 14 (first right past US Forest Service) and go about 4.5 miles. From Hwy 101, travel east on Hwy 22 and turn left on Forest Road 14 and follow the signs (about .5 miles).

Cleawox Lake: Turn west off Hwy 101 about 3 miles south of Florence, follow signs to Cleawox and Jessie M. Honeyman State Park. The park continues on the east side of the highway.

Cape Mears Lake: From Tillamook travel west on Third Street then right on Bayocean Road.

Oregon Dune Lakes,Alder, Buck, Carter, Siltcoos: Alder and Buck Lakes are located 6.5 miles north of Florence on Hwy. 101. Carter Lake lies adjacent to Hwy. 101 about 8.5 miles south of Florence. Siltcoos Lake is located 6 miles south of Florence on Hwy. 101. Turn east onto Westlake Road to reach the boat ramp.

Wilson River: Bank access is along Hwy. 6. It is also known as Wilson River Road which runs west from Forest Grove. There is excellent bank access at Fall Creek, Herd Hole, Kansas Creek Bridge, Lee's Bridge, Mining Creek, Siskeyville and Zig Zag Creek.

Cullaby Lake: Cullaby Lake is located 4 miles north of Gearhart and east of Hwy. 101.

Tahoe Lake: From Tillamook go east to Third Street 2 miles. At the 4 way stop, turn right onto Trask River Road and go approximately 1 1/2 miles where Trask River Rd turns left. Stay on this road for eleven miles. You will come to a bridge and the pavement ends. Stay on the main gravel forest road (South Fork Trask River Rd) and continue 6 1/2 miles. A spur road off to the right is signed "Tahoe Lake". The lake is at the end of the road.

North Fork Nehalem River (Hatchery Stretch): From Hwy 26 west of Portland, follow Hwy 53 south to the North Fork Hatchery at Milepost 8.

Yaquina Bay: Turn east off Hwy 101 at Newport, follow signs to either South Beach (to fish the south shore and jetty) or Yaquina Bay Road (to fish the north).


Diamond Lake: To reach Diamond Lake, follow Hwy 138 east from Roseburg or west from Hwy 97. Turnoffs to the lake are well-signed and easy to find.

Denman Wildlife Area Ponds: From I-5 take exit 30 and head north towards White City on Hwy 62.
Continue approximately 5 miles north and turn left on Agate Road. Head north on Agate Road for one block and turn left (west) on East Gregory Road. Continue on East Gregory Road approximately one-half mile until road makes a sharp left corner. The access to Whetstone Pond is to the right.

Howard Prairie: Go east on Hwy 66 from Ashland. Turn left on Dead Indian Memorial Road; follow the signs to mountain lakes. After approximately 17 miles, turn right on Hyatt Prairie Road. Howard Prairie is the first reservoir; Hyatt is located a few miles farther down the road.

Selmac Lake: from Grants Pass, follow Hwy 199 southwest 18 miles. South of Selma, turn east on Lakeshore Drive and travel 4 miles to Selmac Lake.

Cooper Creek Reservoir: Located 2 miles east of Sutherlin.

Loon Lake: Take county road 3 miles west of Scottsburg on Hwy. 38.

North Fork Rogue River: On Hwys. 62 and 230 follow the river to its headwaters south of Diamond Lake.
Rogue River: Take Hwy. 42 west from Roseburg and Hwy. 199 from Grants Pass.

Tenmile Lakes: Located on Hwy. 101 about 12 miles south of Reedsport.

Saunders Lake: Located 7 miles north of the city of North Bend, directly off Hwy. 101.

Empire Lake: The lake is north of the road that runs from Coos Bay to Empire.

Umpqua River (Scottsburg to The Forks): From I-5 at Sutherlin, Winchester or Roseburg, follow local roads west to access the Umpqua. Hwy. 138 leads directly from Sutherlin to Elkton and follows the river from Elkton to Scottsburg.

Fish Lake: Hwy 140, northeast of Medford and northwest of ­Klam­ath Falls, leads directly to Fish Lake.

River Forks Park (confluence of South and North Umpqua Rivers): From I-5, take Exit 125 and head west on Garden Valley Blvd. for 5 miles. Turn left onto Old  Garden Valley Road immediately after crossing the North Umpqua River. Follow Old Garden Valley Road and signs to River Forks Park.

Emigrant Lake: From Ashland, follow Hwy 66 directly to the lake, about 5 miles.

Expo Pond: Expo Pond is one of several ponds located at the Jackson County Fairgrounds and Expo Park.
From Interstate 5 take exit 33 and head east on East Pine Street.

Umpqua River (Scottsburg to The Forks): From I-5 at Sutherlin, Winchester or Roseburg, follow local roads west to access the Umpqua. Hwy. 138 leads directly from Sutherlin to Elkton and follows the river from Elkton to Scottsburg.



Fall Creek (above Fall Creek Reservoir): From I-5 south of Springfield, take Hwy 58 east to Dexter Reservoir. Cross Dexter Reservoir on the Lowell Road and continue north to Unity County Road 6204 (becomes Forest Road 18) to Fall Creek Reservoir. Forest Road 18 follows Fall Creek to its headwaters. Ten-mile long Fall Creek National Recreation Trail begins at Dolly Varden Campground and has many access points.

Detroit Lake: Adjacent to Hwy 22, about 50 miles east of Salem.

Henry Hagg Lake: From Hwy 47 south of Dilley near Forest Grove, follow Scoggins Valley Road about 3 miles to the lake.

Timothy Lake: About 11 miles east of Government Camp on Hwy 26, turn south onto Forest Road 42 (Skyline Road), then west onto Forest Road 57, which leads to Timothy Lake. The road may be blocked by snow until June. An unpaved route from Estacada is considerably slower.

St. Louis Ponds: West of I-5 about 15 miles north of Salem and 2 miles west of Gervais. From Gervais, take St. Louis Road west; turn left onto Tesch Lane before crossing the railroad tracks.

Foster and Green Peter Reservoirs: Foster Reservoir is located 3 miles east of Sweet Home on Hwy 20. Take the Hwy 34 (Corvallis) exit off I-5 and head east about 20 miles toward Lebanon and Sweet Home. Green Peter Reservoir is north of Foster Reservoir on Quartzville Road.

Waverly Lake and Freeway Lakes: Waverly Lake is located in Albany on 99E just west of I-5. The Freeway Lakes are located south of Albany on Three Lakes Road. Take the Hwy 34 (Corvallis) exit off I-5 and go a short distance east to Seven Mile Lane. Go north on Seven Mile then right on to Three Lakes Road. From Albany, take the Hwy 20 (Lebanon) exit and go east to Spicer Road (Home Depot). Follow Spicer Road a short distance then travel south on Three Lakes Road.

Alton Baker Canoe Canal: The Alton Baker Canoe Canal begins just east of I-5 in Springfield, runs under the interstate and through Alton Baker Park before reentering the Willamette River near the Ferry Street Bridge. The Canal is accessed from Leo Harris Parkway, and at the west end near the Day Island Road parking lot (off of Club Road).

Timber Lake: Hwy 224 East of Estacada about 15 miles.

North Fork Reservoir: The reservoir is located 7 miles south of Estacada off Hwy 224.

Benson Lake: The lake is in Benson State Recreation Area on the south side of I-84 just west of Multnomah Falls.

East and West Salish Ponds: East and West Salish Ponds are located at the Salish Ponds Wetlands Park on 207th Ave. and Glisan in Fairview, east of Portland. From I-84 take the Fairview Exit (#16) and travel south on Fairview Parkway.

Walter Wirth Lake: Walter Worth Lake is located in Cascade Gateway Park in the City of Salem. Go south on Turner Road SE off Hwy 22 just west of I-5.


South Twin Lake: From Bend, head south on Hwy 46 (Century Drive). Take the Wickiup Reservoir turn off (County Road 42) east. The road to Twin Lakes is 1 mile past the Deschutes crossing.

Ochoco Reservoir: Ochoco Reservoir is located in Crook County, 6 miles east of Prineville on Hwy 26.

East Lake: East Lake is 30 miles south of Bend in the Newberry Crater at the summit of the Paulina Mountains. Road access to Newberry Crater is primarily provided by Hwy 97 and Deschutes County Road 21 from the west. Access from the east is via Forest Road 18 and Forest Road 21, which is an extension of County Road 21.

Prineville Reservoir: From Prineville on Hwy 26, follow signs toward Prineville Reservoir (not toward Bowman Dam). Juniper Canyon Road reaches the reservoir in about 12 miles.

Crooked River: From Prineville, follow Hwy 27 toward Bowman Dam. Do not follow signs toward Prineville Reservoir.

Davis Lake: Davis Lake is located about 60 miles south of Bend in the upper Deschutes Basin. Access can be limited in the spring depending on snow pack, so check with local ODFW office or the USFS Crescent Ranger District for early access information.

Lower Dechutes: There are three main access points to the lower Deschutes. The mouth of the Deschutes is 20 miles east of The Dalles. Off of I-84 take the Celilo Exit 97, head two miles east on Hwy. 30. Shearar's Bridge is off Hwy. 197 at Tygh Valley. Head east on Hwy. 206 for eight miles. Maupin is 40 miles south of The Dalles on Hwy. 197.

Upper Dechutes: West of Hwy. 197 south of Sunriver. Turn off Hwy 97 at Van Dervert Road near milepost 155. Drive west one mile to a T intersection. Turn left, and proceed one mile. Turn right on south Century Drive continue west for 2 miles.

Rock Creek Reservoir: Ten miles west of Tygh Valley.

North Twin Lake: Just over 45 miles from Bend on Cascade Lakes Hwy., Hwy. 46.

Big Lava Lake: About 38 miles south of Bend.

Odell Lake: About 70 miles southeast of Eugene off Hwy. 58.

Pinehollow Reservoir: From The Dalles on I-84, follow Hwy 197 to Tygh Valley. Turn west on Wamic Market Road, then right onto Ross Road, which leads to Pinehollow Reservoir.


Lake of the Woods: Lake of the Woods is located off of State Route 140 mid-way between Medford and Klamath Falls.

Willow Valley Reservoir: From Klamath Falls travel on State Route 140 to Dairy, then turn right on County Road 70. Continue south on Langell Valley Road through Lorella. As you near the California border watch for a sign to the reservoir and turn left on Willow Valley Road.

Anthony Lake: From North Powder on I-84 between La Grande and Baker City, head west on North Powder Road, then south on Anthony Creek Road (Forest Road 73), which leads to the lake.

Chewaucan River: From Lakeview, follow Hwy. 395 north to Valley Falls, then State Rt. 31 to Paisley. A paved road west out of Paisley follows the Chewaucan through BLM land and into Fremont National Forest (Forest Rd. 33).

Yellowjacket Lake: From Hwy 20 south of Burns, turn north on Hines Logging Road (County Road 127), cross Emigrant Creek and continue east and north on Forest Road 47. Turn east (right) on Forest Road 37 and after 2-3 miles take the access road south to the lake. The lake is 35 to 40 miles from Burns.
Brownlee Reservoir: Part of Hells Canyon dam complex on the Snake River.

Fish Lake: Hwy 205 South from Burns to Frenchglen (approximately 60 miles). East from Frenchglen towards Page Springs Campground. Then take the Steens Mountain Loop Road. The lake is approximately 15 miles from the Page Springs.

Gerber Reservoir: In south central Oregon between Lakeview and Klamath Falls.

Miller Lake: On Hwy. 97 between Chemult and Diamond Lake.

Spring Creek: On Hwy. 97 about 26 miles north of Klamath Falls.


McNary Channel Ponds: From Hwy 730 at Umatilla, turn north onto Brownell Boulevard (just west of I-82). Proceed to West Third Street. Turn right onto Third Street and proceed through I-82 underpass. The ponds are to the north of Third St. between I-82 and McNary Dam.

Morgan Lake: From Hwy. 30 heading east, turn right onto Gekeler Lane, which becomes C Street in La Grande. Turn left on Walnut. As the road begins to climb, look for a sign to Morgan Lake. The paved road turns to gravel and climbs about 4 miles to a plateau. A dirt road on the right leads to the lake.

Jubilee Lake: From Hwy 204 between Weston and Elgin, take Forest Road 64 12 miles to the northeast.

Wallowa Lake: Follow Hwy 82 from La Grande through Joseph to Wallowa Lake.

Hat Rock Pond: Travel 9 miles east of Umatilla on Hwy. 730.

John Day River (Kimberly to Service Creek): From I-84 take the Hwy 19 exit and take Hwy 19 south to Service Creek. From Hwy 26 turn north on Hwy 19 to Kimberly.

Magone Lake: Magone Lake is a 35 acre natural lake located approximately 9 air miles northeast of John Day off of County Road 18, then Forest Road 36. It is open all year to angling, but snow often blocks vehicle access late November until late March.

Spring Creek: Spring Creek is a tributary of the lower Williamson River. Spring Creek is easily accessed through Collier Memorial State Park, which is located approximately 25 miles north of Klamath Falls.

Wallowa River (Wallowa to Minam State Recreation Area): From Enterprise, follow Hwy 82 west. There is access to good water off Hwy 82 from the town of Wallowa to the state recreation area.

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

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