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Guide To Oregon Hiking

Forest Park Hiking Columbia River Hiking

Mazamas is an organization that was founded on the summit of Mt. Hood in 1894. They offer over 700 hikes and 300 climbs each year. This is a club for all skill levels but non members are welcome to go on the hikes.

Forest Park:

Forest Park is the largest urban forested park in the United States. In it's approximately 5,400 acres, with more than 70 miles of trails where you can see over112 species of bird and 62 species of mammals.

Popular Trailheads

Aspen Trail provides access to Aspen Trail and Aspen Trail intersects with the Wildwood Trail in a quarter mile.  Aspen Trail supports pedestrians only.  From Downtown Portland take Burnside West, then turn right at NW 23rd Pl, then left at NW Westover Rd, slight right at NW 25th Ave, then 1st right onto NW Franklin Ct, and then right at NW Aspen Ave.  Your destination will be on the left.Crown Point Columbia River Gorge

Forest Lane Firelane 1 supports pedestrians, bicycles, and horses however there is no place to turn around with a horse trailer.  From Downtown Portland, take Burnside west, turn right at NW 23rd Pl, then left at NW Westover Rd, then right to stay on NW Westover Rd, then 2nd right to stay on NW Westover Rd, then slight left at NW Cornell Rd, right at NW Thompson Rd, first right onto NW 53rd Dr, then left onto NW Forest Ln.  Your destination will be on your left.

Germantown: Leif Erikson Drive provides access to Leif Erickson Dr and Cannon Trail.  Leif Erikson Dr supports pedestrians, bicycles, and horses.   Cannon Trail supports pedestrians only  From downtown take US-30 W towards St Helens, turn left at NW Bridge Ave, turn left to stay on NW Bridge Ave, then sharp right at NW Germantown Rd, then slight left and then right turn to stay on Germantown Rd.  Destination will be on the left.

Germantown: Wildwood Trail will give you access to the Wildwood Trail in two directions: one towards downtown and one towards Newberry Road.  This trailhead also provides access to the Cannon Trail.  Both the Cannon Trail and the Wildwood Trail are open to pedestrians only.

From Downtown Portland take US- 30 towards St. Helens, turn left at NW Bridge Ave, then left to stay on NW Bridge Ave, then sharp right at NW Germantown Rd, then slight left and right turn to stay on Germantown Rd.

Holman Lane provides access to the lower end of Holman Lane.  Holman Lane supports bicycles riding uphill only.  From Downtown Portland, go West on SW Jefferson ST, then right on SW 18th, left at NW Raleigh St, then turn right at the 3rd cross street onto NW 21st, then first left onto NW Thurman St, then left at NW 32nd Ave, then first right onto NW Franklin Ct, then left at NW Aspen Ave, then right at NW Raleigh St, then continue on NW Aspen Ave.  Your destination will be on the right.

Lower Macleay Park Trailhead provides access to the Lower Macleay Trail and parallels Balch Creek.  The Wildwood Trail can be accessed a little over 3/4 mile up the trail.

Lower Saltzman Road gives you access to trail climbs up to NW Skyline Blvd.  Saltzman Road supports pedestrians and bicycles.  This is also the most direct access to Maple Trail which supports only pedestrians.

Newberry road supports access to the Wildwood Trail which only supports pedestrian use.  From Downtown Portland take US-30 towards St. Helens, turn left at NW Newberry Rd.  Destination will be on the right.Columbia River Gorge

Newton Road Trailhead provides access to Newton Road, Firelane 10, and with a short connector, the Wildwood Trail.  Newton Road and Firelane 10 are open to pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian use, while The Wildwood Trail is only open to pedestrian use.  From Downtown Portland take US- 30 towards St. Helens, turn left at NW Bridge Ave, then left to stay on NW Bridge Ave, then sharp right at NW Germantown Rd, then slight left and right turn to stay on Germantown Rd, then right at NW Skyline Blvd, then 2nd right onto NW Newton Rd.

NW 53rd Ave: Birch Trail provides access to Birch Trail which supports pedestrians only.  Birch Trail will intersect with the Wildwood Trail in about 1/4 mile.  From Downtown Portland go West on Burnside, then turn right at NW 23rd Pl, then left at NW Westover Rd, right and then 2nd right to stay on NW Westover, then slight right on NW Cornell Rd, and right at NW 53rd Dr., finally turn left to stay on NW 53rd Dr.  Your destination will be on the left.

NW 53rd:  Dogwood and Wild Cherry provides access for Dogwood and Wild Cherry trails which both support pedestrian use only.  From Downtown Portland go West on Burnside, then turn right at NW 23rd Pl, then left at NW Westover Rd, right and then 2nd right to stay on NW Westover, then slight right on NW Cornell Rd, and right at NW 53rd Dr.  Destination will be on the left.

Lower Saltzman Road provides access to Saltzman Road which supports pedestrians and bicycles and is the most direct access to Maple Trail.  Maple Trail supports pedestrians only. 

Ridge Trail provides access to Ridge Trail which supports only pedestrian use.  In order to find the trailhead you will need to walk back up Bridge Ave a little less than a quarter of a mile.  From Downtown Portland take US-30 towards St. Helens and then a slight left at NW Bridge Ave.  Destination will be on the left .3 miles down the road.

Thurman:  Leif Erikson Drive and Wild Cherry Trail can be accessed from Thurman.  Leif Erikson supports pedestrian and bicycle traffic while Wild Cherry Trail is just for pedestrians. From Downtown Portland, head west on SW Jefferson ST, turn right on SW 18th Ave, left at NW Raleigh ST, then right at the 3rd cross street onto NW 21st Ave, take first left onto NW Thurman St.  Your destination will be on your left.

Tunnel and Cumberland Trails support pedestrian traffic only.  From Downtown Portland go West on Burnside St, then right on NW 23rd Pl, then left at NW Westover Rd, then 2nd right to stay on NW Westover Rd, then left at NW Cornell Rd.  Your destination will be on the left.

Upper Macleay Park provides access to the Wildwood Trail, which supports pedestrian use only.  Parking is only on the North side of the road.  From Downtown Portland, go West on Burnside, then right on NW 23rd Pl, then left at NW Westover Rd, then 2nd right to stay on NW Westover Rd, then left at NW Cornell Rd.

Upper Saltzman Road and Firelane 5 support pedestrian and bicycles.  From Downtown Portland, take Burnside West, then slight right at NW Skyline Blvd, then right at NW Saltzman Rd.  Travel .1 mile on Saltzman Rd.

Upper Springville Road provides access to Springville Road and Firelane 7 which support bicycles, horses, and pedestrians.  Nearby pedestrian only trails are Hardesty, Trillium, and Ridge Trails.  From Downtown Portland go West on Burnside St, then slight right at NW Skyline Blve, then right at NW Springville Rd

Wildwood Trail at Germantown Rd will give you access to the Wildwood Trail in two directions: one towards downtown and one towards Newberry Road.  This trailhead also provides access to the Cannon Trail.  Both the Cannon Trail and the Wildwood Trail are open to pedestrians only.




Columbia Gorge Hiking:

The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area offers exceptional hiking opportunities for all abilities.  Because of the dramatic drop from Mt. Hood forest plateau to the Columbia River, you will find beautiful waterfalls and gorgeous trails that range from misty and mossy to exposed and rocky.

Easy Hikes 0-2 Miles in Distance.

Ainsworth Loop Hike is an easy .4 mile loop. From Portland, drive east on I-84 to the Bridal Veil exit (#28). Drive east on the Historic Highway 6.0 miles to Ainsworth Park Picnic Area.

Balfour-Klickitat Trailhead is an easy .75 mile loop in the Eastern Gorge area. This is a year round easy family and bird-watching hike. You may see Bald Eagles, Camvasbacls, Lewis's Woodpeckers, Swallows, Goldfinch, Semipalmated Plover, Sanderling, Baird's Sandpiper, California Gull, Caspian Tern, and more.  From Portland take I-84 east to Exit 64/Hood River.  Cross the Hood River Bridge to Washington and turn right/east onto WA SR-14. Turn left/north onto Old Hwy 8. (It is an immediate right after crossing the Klickitat River.) Follow Old Hwy 8 for approximately 1/4 mile to the parking lot on the east side of the road.

Bridal Veil and Bridal Veil Falls
are easy .6 mile out and back hikes in the Mid-Gorge area. They are great hikes for kids and the elderly. The routes are fully paved and offer great views of the river, transportation routes in the area, and a beautiful waterfall. The history, geology and plant life of the area are explained with several historic markers. From Portland, drive east on I-84 to Exit 28 (Bridal Veil). Turn right on the Historic Highway and drive 0.3 miles to the Bridal Veil Viewpoint lot on the right.

The Catherine Creek is a 1.4 mile easy loop in the Eastern Gorge area.  This hike is paved and short which makes it a good option for strollers and wheelchairs.  The area is known for its wildflowers and you will see several informational signs about the flowers and history of the area. After approximately 1/4 mile, you'll come to a viewpoint overlooking Catherine Creek Falls.  From Portland, drive East on I-84 to Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge and turn right on Washington Highway 14. Drive through Bingen and continue about 4 1/2 miles to Old Highway 8. Turn left on Old Highway 8, which is also County Road 1230. Drive east on this road, which is an earlier version of today's Highway 14, for about 1 1/2 mile to the trailhead. The trail takes off to the right (downhill from the road).

Fort Cascades is an easy loop approximately 1.5 miles in the Mid-Gorge area.  This short walk is full of history and is just west of Bonneville Dam.  You may pick up a brochure and take a self-guided hike.  You will see an old fish wheel, and a viewpoint of Bonneville Dam, Wauna Point and viewpoint, and also Fort Cascades Petroglyph.  From Portland, take I-84 east and exit at Cascade Locks. Cross the Columbia River to Washington State over the Bridge of the Gods (toll required). Take a left on Rt 14 and go about 2 miles. Turn left on to the Dam Access Road. Take an immediate right and then a quick left signed for the Fort Cascades Historical Site. 

Gorton Creek Falls is in the Mid-Gorge area.  This is a good hike for families as it is approximately 1.5 miles and rated easy.  You will see several waterfalls, wildflowers, and wilderness.  Begin the hike at the Wyeth Trailhead and follow the trail to the Gorge-Wyeth Trail Junction near Gorton Creek. Take the Wyeth Trail uphill to the left. The trail follows the creek passing several small falls and then a beautiful ten foot fall named Emerald Falls.  From Portland, take I84 to Wyeth Exit, #51. Turn right at the stop sign towards Wyeth Campground. Drive through the campground to a parking lot. 

Horsethief Butte is in Eastern Gorge and is an out and back hike approximately 1.5 miles.  From the parking area pass by a couple of side trails and take the first grassy path marked with stones that heads off to the right just feet from the trailhead. Go straight on the main trail and when you come to a junction, take the right fork. After about a quarter mile, there's a signed trail junction and the side trail leads up into rocky canyons with Native American art which is worth seeing. Beyond the junction, you will see several different colors of lichen and more views of the river and the trail ends at the top of a cliff.  From Portland, drive east on I-84 to Highway 197 North across the Columbia River and continue about two miles to Highway 14. Turn right on Highway 14 and drive about two miles to the signed trailhead on the right.

Horsethief Lake Petroglyphs is an easy 1/2 mile out and back hike in the Eastern Gorge. You can have a guided tour of the pictographs and petroglyphs by calling the Columbia Hills State Park office at (509) 767-1159 about 2-3 weeks before you want to take the hike. From Portland, drive east on I-84 to Highway 197 North across the Columbia River and continue about two miles to Highway 14. Turn right on Highway 14 to Horsethief Lake State Park.

Lancaster Falls is an easy 1.8 mile out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge area.  You can visit 4 falls by starting at the Starvation Creek Rest area and taking a short trail head past the restrooms to see Starvation Creek Falls and then return alongside the highway to connect w/the old Columbia River Highway where you will find the Cabin Creek Falls.  The Mount Defiance Trail leaves the old highway and comes to Hole in the Wall Falls which is a man made falls.  After that climb to another trail junction and stay to the right and you will reach the lower tier of Lancaster Falls.  The larger tier is visible through the trees. From Portland drive east on I-84 to Exit #55/Starvation Creek State Park and rest area.

Oneonta Gorge to Lower Oneonta Falls is a .6 mile hike through a river bed. You may even have to wade up to your waist in the cold river to get to your final destination so it is best to do this hike on a hot day.  From Portland, drive east on I-84 to the Bridal Veil exit (#28). Drive east on the Historic Highway 5.4 miles to the Oneonta Gorge. From the east, exit the freeway at the Dodson exit and drive westward on the Historic Highway 2.6 miles to the trailhead.

Sams Walker Loop Hike is an easy 1.1 mile hike through former farm lands in the Mid-Gorge region.  From the trailhead, walk the well-graveled trail through an abandoned field. When you come to a fork, take the right route. This hike features bird watching and beautiful views.  From Portland take I-5 or I-205 north to WA SR-14 east. Continue to St. Cloud Day Use.

St Cloud Trail is an easy half mile loop through an apple orchard alongside the Columbia River in the Western Gorge area.  From Portland take I-5 or I-205 north to WA SR-14 east. Continue to St. Cloud Day Use.

Wahclella Falls is a 2 mile out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge region.  It is an easy hike but there are some steep drop offs to watch out for.  From the Wahclella Falls Trailheadhead, go up the trail following Tanner Creek. At the small dam used by the Bonneville Fish Hatchery, the trail narrows to a single tread to a bridge that takes you over Munra Falls. The trail then begins to climb up the east side of the canyon.  After a flight of stairs, you'll come to a fork in the trail. The end of the trail is a loop, so you'll hike both sides.  When you reach the earlier trail junction, continue straight and head back to your car.  From Portland take I-84 to Exit 40, signed for Bonneville Dam. Turn right at the stop sign, drive about 100 feet and turn right again at the fork (left takes you to the Tooth Rock Trailhead). Follow the short road to the end where you'll see the trailhead parking lot. 

Whistle Punk Interpretive Trail is a 1.5 mile loop in the Mid-Gorge area.  It is an easy loop trail where you can learn what a whistle punk is.  Take I-84 east to exit 44, Cascade Locks. Go over the Bridge of the Gods (1$ fee) and turn east onto Highway 14.Travel through the town of Stevenson, and another five miles east, turn left at a blinking light for Carson. Go through the flashing stoplight in Carson heading north on Route 30 for 8.5 miles. Turn left on Hemlock road and go 1.5 mile, then turn right onto FS 43 just after the Wind River Work Station. Go 0.6 miles and turn right on Rt 417. Follow it for a mile until it dead ends at the trailhead.

0-2 Miles Hikes with Moderate Difficulty

Beacon Rock is a 1.8 mile out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge area.  The trail is completely lined by handrails, is mostly paved, and features beautiful views, wildflowers, Ice Age Floods on a landmark that was once the core of a volcano.  From Portland drive East on I-84 to the Bridge of the Gods.  Cross the bridge and turn left on to Washington Highway 14. Drive five miles to the trailhead on the left side of the road.

Punchbowl FallsLatourell Falls Short is a 1.2 mile loop in the Western Gorge.  This trail features the closest waterfall to Portland and also wildflowers.  It crosses four small wooden bridges and then comes to the upper tier of Latourell Falls. The trail crosses Latourell Creek at the base of the falls and heads back down the west side of the creek.  From Portland, go East on I-84 to Exit 28 (Bridal Veil). Turn Right on the Historic Highway and drive 2.8 miles to the Latourell Falls Parking lot on the left.

2-5 Mile Easy Hikes

Catherine Creek Arch Loop is a 3.5 mile loop in the Eastern Gorge area.  It features beautiful views and wildflowers.  From the Catherine Creek Trailhead hike on a closed road signed "020" toward the northeast.  Follow this road until you come to a junction with another closed road, "021". Follow the "21 Trail" as it crosses the creek on bridge. You'll come upon an abandoned corral.   As the road approaches a power line, you'll see a single track footpath headed up to the left (south) that you will take for your way back. This footpath will wind downhill toward the highway. After about 1 mile, you'll come to Old Highway 8 which you will take back to your car.  From Portland, drive East on I-84 to Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge and turn right on Washington Highway 14. Drive through Bingen and continue about 4 1/2 miles to Old Highway 8 and then turn left, which is also County Road 1230. Drive east on this road, which is an earlier version of today's Highway 14, for about 1 1/2 mile to the trailhead.

Dry Creek Falls is an out and back 4.4 mile hike in the Mid-Gorge area.  Take the Crest Trail gradually uphill.  After about a mile, you'll come to a power line access road. Turn right and follow the power line road to where the trail takes up again.  From Portland, drive East on I-84 to Cascade Locks. Take the first Cascade Locks exit. Drive under the Bridge of the Gods and turn right on Wasco St. Drive one block and make a right turn on Moody Street. Drive under the freeway and continue to a pair of trails, the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 heading off to the left and the Gorge Trail #400, heading to the right. 

Eagle Creek to Punchbowl Falls is a 3.8 mile out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge area.  This is one of the most popular hikes which feature a waterfall, terrific views, wilderness, wildflowers and a restroom.  From Portland go east on I-84, and turn off at Exit #41. At the bottom of the ramp turn right. Go about 1/2 mile to the end of the road. You will go passed a footbridge as the road narrows to one lane. Continue to a large parking lot.

Elowah Falls Hike is an easy out and back 2 mile hike with some climbing in the Mid-Gorge area.  It starts at the John B Yeon Trailhead.  From Portland, drive I-84 eastward to Exit 35, marked Dodson. Turn left at the stop sign, then immediately turn right onto the frontage road. Drive east on the frontage road 2.1 miles and turn right into the trailhead parking lot. The lot will be just before the road re-enters the highway.

Gobbons Creek at Steigerwald National Wildlife Refuge is a new 2.75 mile loop trail in the Western Gorge area.  This trail features bird watching, wildlife viewing, beautiful views, and Ice Age Floods.  From Portland take I-5 or I-205 north to WA SR-14 east. Travel past Washougal and just past the National Scenic Area welcome sign look for the Steigerwald parking entrance on right/south side of highway.

Hood River Mountain is an easy 3 mile loop in the Eastern Gorge area featuring wildflowers and beautiful views.  From Portland take I- 84 East to Hood River Exit 64. Take it and drive south on Hwy 35 to a four way stop.  Go straight for another 0.2 miles, then turn left on East Side Road for 1.8 miles. Shortly past the turnoff for Panorama Point, turn left on Old Dalles Road.  Follow this for 2.1 miles until you reach a wide area in the road, right before it turns sharply south and becomes Elder Road. Find parking on the shoulder.  The trail heads south from here.

Horsetail Falls Loop is an easy 2.4 mile hike in Western Gorge area.  The trail begins at Horsetail Falls and you will hike to Ponytail Falls traveling behind the falls.  From there the trail continues into Oneonta Canyon and will take you across Oneonta Creek on a metal bridge.  From above the bridge is Middle Oneonta Falls.  Continue on Oneonta Trail west toward Multnomah Falls.  Turn right when you see an old stone wall above to stay on Oneont Trail and to head down to the Historic Hwy.  Turn right and walk 1/2 mile back to your car.  From Portland, drive east on I-84 to the Bridal Veil exit (#28), then go east on the Historic Hwy 5.6 miles to Horsetail Falls.

Lower Falls Creek Falls is a 3.4mile easy out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge area in Washington.  The trail follows Falls Creek beginning at the end of Road 3062.  After 1.5 miles you will see a cable suspension bridge which is offers great views.  The trail ends at a three tiered water fall.  From Portland take I-84 to Exit 44/Cascade locks, cross the Bridge of the Gods to WA SR-14, turn right/east. Turn left/north onto Wind River Hwy/Highway 30 north. Turn right on Highway 30 after passing the Carson National Fish Hatchery. Turn right on Forest Road 3062, and after driving approximately 2 miles turn right on Road 057. Continue 1/2 mile to the trailhead.

Rooster Rock Loop is a 2.25 mile easy hike in the Western Gorge area.  The east end of the park is a nude beach.  From Portland go east on I-84 and then take Exit 25. The off ramp leads straight to the park toll booth. Pay your fee and drive all the way to the east end of the parking lots.

Rowena Plateau is an easy 2.5 mile out and back hike that features wildflowers and beautiful views.  From Portland, go east on I-84 to the Mosier exit (Exit 69). Turn right at the freeway off ramp and follow the Historic Columbia River Highway through Mosier. Continue east on the old highway for almost 7 miles. Look for a turnoff to the right with a big sign reading "Rowena Crest".

Strawberry Island is an easy 4 mile loop in the Mid-Gorge area in Washington. From Portland, take I-84 east and exit at Cascade Locks. Cross the Columbia River to Washington State over the Bridge of the Gods (toll required). Take a left on Rt 14 and go about 2 miles. Turn left on to the Dam Access Road. The hike begins at the Fort Cascades Trailhead.

Upper McCord Creek Falls is an easy 3 miles out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge area in Oregon.  From Portland take I-84 east to Exit 35 and go to the John Yeon State Park Trailhead.  Follow trail (#400) along an abandoned road and up a steep incline and stay right at the junction.  This hike offers great views of McCord Creek Falls, Mt Adams, and Elowah Falls.

2-5 Mile Hikes of Moderate Difficulty.

Angel's Rest is a 4.8 mile out and back hike in the Western Gorge area in Oregon.  It starts at river level and you will climb over boulders but when you get to the peak there will be a 270 degree view of the Columbia Gorge and many landmarks.  From Portland go east on I-84, take Bridal Veil Exit #28. The Angels Rest trailhead is south of the Historic Columbia River Highway, opposite the junction with the interstate access road in Bridal Veil.

Catherine Creek West Loop is a 4 mile hike in the Eastern Gorge on the Washington side.  Start at the Catherine Creek Trailhead and head up the hill to the left, on a closed road marked "015".  The trail will narrow from an old road to a single track and will cross a couple of streams.  This hike features beautiful views and wildflowers.  From Portland, drive East on I-84 to Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge and turn right on Washington Highway 14. Drive through Bingen and continue about 4 1/2 miles to Old Highway 8. Turn left on Old Highway 8, which is also County Road 1230. Drive east on this road, which is an earlier version of today's Highway 14, for about 1 1/2 mile to the Catherine Creek Trailhead.

Columbia Hills is a 4 mile out and back hike in the Eastern Gorge area in Washington.  The trailhead is located above the Dalles Mountain Ranch about a mile. You will enter through a gate and travel up a road through a wide open area. You will climb to the summit of Stacker Butte where you will see views of Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood. In the warmer months the area has many ticks and even rattlesnakes.  From Portland  drive east or west on I-84, take exit #87 and drive north on U.S. 197 across the Columbia River bridge. Continue north about 2.5 miles to SR 14, and turn right, heading east. The park is located at milepost-85.

Hardy Falls, Rodney Fall, and Pool of Winds are a 2.2 mile out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge area in Washington. Start from the Hamilton Mountain Trailhead and climbs up to Hardy Creek.  This hike features waterfalls and beautiful views. From Portland, take I-84 East and exit at Cascade Locks. Cross the Columbia River to Washington State over the Bridge of the Gods (toll required). Take a left on Rt 14 and go seven miles. Watch for Beacon Rock - it will tower in front of you as you approach the state park, which is near mile marker 35. Turn right into the campground and follow it uphill a short ways and take your first right into the small Hamilton Mountain Trailhead parking lot.

Hole in the Wall Falls is a 2.6 mile loop in the Mid-Gorge area in Oregon.  You could opt for an easy walk along 3 waterfalls but if you want great views then you need to add a steep loop.  From Portland drive east on I-84 to Exit #55/Starvation Creek State Park and rest area.

Klickitat Trail from Lyle to Fisher Hill is an out and back 4 mile hike in the Eastern Gorge area of Washington.  This hike features wild flowers, beautiful views, cultural history, and bird watching.  From Portland take I-84 east to Exit 64/Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge to WA SR-14 East(right turn). Continue to Lyle, parking is located on the corner of SR-14 and SR-142 across from Coltland Realty.

Latourell Falls Long Loop is a 2.2 mile trail in the Western Gorge area in Oregon. This hike features wildflowers and waterfall and beings at the Latourell Falls Trailhead.  Take the paved viewpoint trail up to the viewpoint. Take a dirt path that leads away to the left.  It will climb until it reaches a bench at the top of the falls.  From there take the main trail that continues by the creek.  This path will cross 4 bridges and then to Upper Latourell Falls. From there the trail crosses Latourell Creek at the base of the falls and heads back down the west side of the creek.  If you continue on the trailhead across the road, take a set of stairs down to Guy Talbot Park.  From the park take another paved trail back under the highway bridge to the base of Latourell Falls. The 1914 bridge was built with special lightweight construction due to the instable ground. At the falls, there is a short, paved, uphill hike to the lot.  From Portland, drive East on I-84 to Exit 28 (Bridal Veil). Turn Right on the Historic Highway and drive 2.8 miles to the Latourell Falls Parking lot on the left.

McCall Point is a 3.6 mile out and back hike in the Eastern Gorge area in Oregon.  Start at the Rowena Crest Trailhead and after approximately 1 mile you'll come to a sign labeling the "Tom McCall Point Trail". The trail leaves the wagon road at this point and you will climb to where you can overlook the Rowena Plateau, continue climbing to the summit and terrific views.  This trail is prone to poison oak and ticks so wear long pants and sleeves.  From Portland, drive east on I-84 to the Mosier exit (Exit 69). Turn right at the freeway offramp and follow the Historic Columbia River Highway through Mosier. Continue east on the old highway for almost 7 miles. Look for a turnoff to the right with a big sign reading "Rowena Crest".

Mitchell Point is a 2.6 mile out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge area in Oregon.  The trail is often steep and rugged, so you'll feel like you've gone further than you have.  From Portland: Drive east on Interstate 84 to Exit 58, and a sign pointing to the Mitchell Point Overlook. Start at the Mitchell Point Trailhead, parking at the south end of the parking lot, where a paved path heads into the trees. Take this path uphill until it begins to follow an old road, then quickly veer to the right onto the main trail.

Multnomah Falls is a 2.6 mile out and back hike in the Western Gorge area in Oregon.  This historical trail allows for beautiful views and a waterfall.  From Portland go East on Interstate 84 to Exit 31 near Mile 31.  Walk under the footbridge to Multnomah Falls Lodge. Alternatively, exit I-84 at the Bridal Veil Exit (28) and drive the Historic Columbia River Highway eastward to the Multnomah Falls Lodge parking area.

Multnomah Falls to Devil's Rest to Wahkeena Falls Loop is a 4.8 mile trail which features waterfalls and wildflowers. Begin at Multnomah Falls Lodge and take the trail that takes you to the top of Multnomah Falls. After the turnoff to the viewpoint at the top of Multnomah Falls the trail (#441) is unpaved. You will come to a large stone bridge across Multnomah Creek, and then the trail climbs again.  Continue on trail (#441) for about a mile before turning right at the junction with the Wahkeena trail (#420). Follow this trail up hill with an option down to Wakheena Falls (#419). Past the Falls and then head back to Multnomah Falls that parallels the Highway.  From Portland go East on Interstate 84 to Exit 31 near Mile 31. Walk under the footbridge to Multnomah Falls Lodge.

Silver Star is a 5 mile loop with beautiful views and wildflowers in the Western Gorge area in Washington.  Drive North on I-5 from Vancouver, take exit 9, and take highway 502, 7.7 miles to Battleground, or take I-205 and then highway 503 from Vancouver to Battleground. Go North on highway 503. Turn right on Rock Creek Road. There's a sign saying "Lucia Falls, Moulton Falls". Rock Creek Road becomes Lucia Falls Road after a while. Turn right on Sunset Falls Road. There's a sign saying "Sunset C. G.". Turn right on Road 41 which goes through Sunset Campground, over the East Fork Lewis River, and then goes left. Turn right on Road 4109. Turn left at unmarked 4-way junction, still on Road 4109. The last 8 miles is on a rough road with potholes, boulders, stream channels, and washboarding.

Triple Falls is an out and back 3.4 mile hike in Western Gorge area of Oregon.  This hike starts at the Oneonta Trailhead and features the Oneonta Falls.  From Portland, drive east on I-84 to the Bridal Veil exit (#28). Drive east on the Historic Highway 5.1 miles to a small parking lot on the left, just before the Oneonta Gorge.

Wahkeena Falls is an out and back 2.8 mile hike in the Western Gorge area of Oregon.  The trail starts by crossing a wooden bridge over Wahkeena Creek.  From here go right toward Wahkeena Falls and finally Lemmon's Viewpoint where you will return the same way you came.  If you go left you will be heading towards Multnomah Falls.   From Portland, drive east on I-84 to Exit 28 (Bridal Veil). Drive east on the Historic Highway 2.4 miles to the Wahkeena Trailhead and Campground.        

Wind Mountain is an out and back 2.5 mile hike in Mid-Gorge area of Washington.  From the Wind Mountain Trailhead the trail is on the South side of the dirt road turnout. The trail ends at a large sign describing the historical significance of the mountain.  From here return the same way you came.  From Portland take I-84 to Cascade Locks and cross over to Washington over the Bridge of the Gods. Travel East (right turn) on Rt 14. Take a left on Wind Mountain Rd (milepost 51). Travel just under 1 1/2 miles and take a right on Girl Scout Rd. Travel .4 mile. Just after the paved road gives way to gravel you will see a small unmarked parking area at the north side base of the mountain. Park here and continue down the gravel round about 200 yards to the unmarked trailhead. (There is a room for two small cars here. Most days you may find these open and park there)

2-5 Mile Difficult Hikes

Cherry Orchard is an out and back 4 mile hike that has a steep grade.  This hike features wildflowers, views, and land trust property.  From Portland take I-84 East to Exit 64/Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge to WA SR-14 and turn right/east. Continue past the town of Lyle, WA and look for the parking area just past tunnel on your left/north side of highway.

5-8 Mile Easy Hikes

Gillette Lake is a 5.4 mile out and back easy hike through the wilderness in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  From Portland, take I-84 east and exit at Cascade Locks. Cross the Columbia River to Washington State over the Bridge of the Gods (toll required). Take a left on Rt 14 and go about a mile and a half. Start looking for the sign for the trailhead parking on your right shortly after you see the Bonneville Dam on your left.

5-8 Mile Moderate Difficulty Hikes

Eagle Creek to High Bridge is and out and back 6.4 mile hike in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  This is a must hike for hiking fans.  There are dozens of waterfalls, cliffs, slopes, and lush temperate rain forests and wildflowers.  From Portland, travel eastbound on I-84, and turn off at Exit #41. At the bottom of the ramp turn right. Go about 1/2 mile to the end of the road and park in the lot.

Green Leaf Overlook is an out and back 8 mile trail in the Mid-Gorge area of Washington.  It starts at the Bonneville Dam trailhead and then heads east until it connects to the Pacific Crest Trail (#2000).  From Portland, take I-84 east and exit at Cascade Locks. Cross the Columbia River to Washington over the Bridge of the Gods (toll required). Take a left on Rt 14 and go about a mile and a half to the Bonneville Trailhead.

Herman Creek Trailhead to Casey Creek is an out and back 7.4 mile trail in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  This hike starts at the Herman Creek Trailhead and features wildflowers, views, and wilderness.  From Portland go East and take exit 41 for Cascade Locks. Go through town, East, then under the freeway, continue East on the frontage road on the South side of the freeway to the Herman Creek Campground sign.

Klickitat Trail - Fisher Hill to Pitt is an out and back 8 mile hike in the Eastern Gorge area of Washington.  This trail offers wildflowers, beautiful views, bird watching, and an opportunity to mountain bike.  From Portland take I-84 east to Exit 64/Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge to WA SR-14 East(right turn). Continue to Lyle and turn left/north onto SR-142, heading up the Kiickitat River. Fisher Hill Bridge is at MP 1.6. Park on the SR 142 shoulder just before the bridge.

Labyrinth Loop is a 5.8 mile hike featuring wildflowers, waterfalls, views, cultural history, bird watching, and ice age floods.  It is located in the Eastern Gorge area of Washington.  Take the paved road back to State Route 14, then head west on an abandoned road above the highway.  From Portland, drive east on I-84 to Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge and turn right on WA Highway 14. After about 4 1/2 miles, turn left on Courtney Road. The parking lot is near the highway intersection, on the left side. 

Larch Mountain Crater is a 5.9 mile loop in the Western Gorge area of Oregon. It is one of the few trails in the Columbia Gorge where you can ride bikes.  This hike features wildflowers, views, and wilderness. From Portland go East on the Historic Columbia River Highway to just past the Women's Forum Overlook. At mile 22.9, turn right on Larch Mountain Road and drive 14 miles to the trailhead at the end of the road.

Memaloose Hills Loop is a 6 mile trail in the Eastern Gorge area of Oregon.  It is an unmarked trail which starts at the Memaloose Rest Stop.  It is best to join a group that is doing the hike your first time.  From Portland take I-84 east to the Memaloose Rest Stop, just after Exit 69 for Mosier.

Weldon Wagon Trail is a 7 mile out and back hike in the Eastern Gorge area of Oregon.  This hike features wildflowers, views, cultural history and bird watching.  From Portland take I-84 east to Exit 64/Hood River Bridge. Cross the bridge and turn left/west onto WA SR-14. Drive 1.6 miles and turn right onto Highway 141 .  Go 2.2 miles and turn left onto HWY 141. Go 4 miles to Husum, turn right before crossing over Rattlesnake Creek/bridge onto gravel road named Indian Creek Rd and drive 0.6 mile and bear left onto Indian Cemetary Rd., Shortly you will see a sign marking the Weldon Wagon Trail.

5-8 Mile Difficult Hikes

Coyote Wall is a 6 mile out and back hike with steep portions in the Eastern Gorge area of Washington.  From Portland, go East on I-84 to Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge and turn right on WA Highway 14. After about 4 1/2 miles, turn left on Courtney Road. The parking lot is near the highway intersection, on the left side.

Dog Mountain is a 7 mile loop in the Mid-Gorge area of Washington.  It features beautiful views and wildflowers. The trails can get very steep.  Take I-84 out to Cascade Locks and cross the Bridge of the Gods into Washington. Turn right heading East on highway 14. Pass through the town of Stevenson then past Wind Mountain. Turn off into the large dirt parking lot at milepost 53 where the trailhead is. The Dog Mountain trail heads off to the right.

Ferry Springs Loop is an 8 mile hike in the Eastern Gorge area of Oregon.  It features waterfalls, views, wilderness, and bird watching.  From Portland, drive to The Dalles on I-84, then continue east on I-84.

Follow the signs to Deschutes State Park and go to the campground about 17 miles east of The Dalles.

Indian Point Loop is a 7 mile hike in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  It features wildflowers, views, and wilderness.  From Portland go East on I-84 and take exit 41 for Cascade Locks. Go through town, East, then under the freeway, continue East on the frontage road on the South side of the freeway to the Herman Creek Campground sign.

Major Creek Loop is a 7 mile out and back hike in the Eastern Gorge area of Washington.  It features wildflowers, waterfalls, and views. From Portland, drive east on I-84 to Hood River. Cross the Hood River Bridge and turn right on Washington Highway 14. Drive through Bingen and continue about 4 1/2 miles to Old Highway 8. Turn left on Old Highway 8.  You will start the hike at the Catherine Creek Trailhead.

Ruckel Creek is a 5.6 mile out and back hike in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  It features wildflowers, waterfalls, views, and wilderness.  It has an elevation gain of 2660 feet.  From Portland take I-8 East to Exit #41. At the bottom of the ramp turn right. Go about 1/2 mile to the end of the road. You will go passed a footbridge as the road narrows to one lane. Continue a short ways to a large parking lot.

Tanner Ridge, Dublin Lake is an out and back 6.8 mile hike in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  It has an elevation gain of about 3,700 feet.  From Portland go East on Interstate 84 to Exit #40, Bonneville Dam. Turn right at the stop sign, drive about 100 feet and turn right again at the fork. Follow the short road to the end where you'll see the Wahclella Falls Trailhead parking lot.

8-10 Mile Easy Hikes

Dry Creek Falls is an easy 8.6 mile out and back hike.  This hike goes along the Pacific Crest Trail that begins in Cascade Locks and meanders through beautiful forest to Herman Creek.  To access the trailhead cross the road that leads to the Bridge of the Gods toll booth and onto the Pacific Crest Trail, which runs parallel to I-84. You'll come to Moody Street as it crosses under the freeway. When the road angles left, go straight ahead on a gravel road.  It is a short distance to the twin trailheads. Altogether the road walking here is about 100 yards. Take the trail to the left, which is the Pacific Crest Trail.  After about 1 mile turn right at a power line access road and go a short distance until you can resume the trail.  When the trail crosses with a dirt road, cross the road and Dry Creek on a wooden bridge and continue.  From Portland, drive East on I-84 to Cascade Locks. Take the first Cascade Locks exit. Drive under the Bridge of the Gods and a couple of blocks later, turn right on Wasco Street. Drive one block and make another right on Moody Street. Drive under the freeway and a little farther on Moody St Extension. Soon, you'll see a pair of trails, the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 heading off to the left and the Gorge Trail #400, heading to the right.

8-10 Mile Hikes of Moderate Difficulty.

Hardy Ridge Loop is an 8.1 mile loop in the Mid-Gorge area of Washington.  This hike features wildflowers and views and begins at the Beacon Rock Equestrian Trailhead.  From Portland drive East on I-84 to the Bridge of the Gods. Cross the bridge and turn left on to Washington Highway 14. Drive about five miles to Beacon Rock State Park. Just past Beacon Rock turn right onto Kueffler Road. The trailhead is about 1/2 mile up this road on the right side.  It has a huge gravel lot to accommodate horse trailers. It also has a restroom, picnic tables, and hitching posts.

Mosier Twin Tunnels is a 9 mile out and back trail in the Eastern Gorge area of Oregon which features wildflowers, views, and cultural history.  In the tunnels you'll see carved graffiti from 1921, detailing the names of people that were trapped in the tunnel by a snowstorm.  From Portland, take I-84 East to the Mosier exit (Exit 69). Turn right at the end of the freeway offramp.  At the base of the bridge turn left and circle under the bridge. Drive about one mile to the trailhead parking lot on the left.

Wauna Point Trail is a 9.4 mile out and back trail in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  From Portland: Drive East on Interstate 84 to Exit #40, signed for Bonneville Dam. Turn right at the stop sign, and immediately turn left at the fork (straight takes you to the Wahclella Falls Trailhead). Follow the road up the hill to the end where you'll see the trailhead parking lot.

8-10 Mile Difficult Hikes

Hamilton Mountain Loop is a 9.4 mile hike in the Mid-Gorge area of Washington featuring wildflowers, waterfalls and beautiful views.  From Portland, take I-84 East and exit at Cascade Locks. Cross the Columbia River to Washington State over the Bridge of the Gods (toll required). Take a left on Rt 14 and go seven miles. Watch for Beacon Rock near mile marker 35. Turn right into the campground and follow it uphill a short ways and take your first right into the Hamilton Mountain Trailhead at Beacon Rock State Park parking lot.

Multnomah Falls to Devil's Rest is a 8.4 mile out and back hike in the Western Gorge area of Oregon.  It features beautiful views and waterfalls and a restroom.  From Portland go East on Interstate 84 to Exit 31.  Walk under the footbridge to Multnomah Falls Lodge.

Multnomah Falls to Nesika Lodge is an 8.5 mile out and back hike featuring wildflowers, waterfall, views, and cultural history.  This hike is only accessible with a guide as it is private property. From Portland take I-84 East to Exit 31. Walk under the footbridge to Multnomah Falls Lodge.

10 Miles or Greater Moderate Difficulty Hikes

Angel's Rest-Devil's Rest Loop Hike is a 10.7 mile hike in the Western Gorge area of Oregon.  This hike features wildflowers and views and has a restroom facility at the starting trailhead.  From Portland go East on I-84 and take Bridal Veil Exit #28. The trailhead is south of the Historic Columbia River Highway, opposite the junction with the interstate access road in Bridal veil.

Deschutes River Trail is a 22.6 mile out and back hike in the Eastern Gorge area of Oregon.  The trail follows and old railroad grade along the river and features wildflowers, views, cultural history and bird watching.  There is a $5 charge per vehicle each night if you are backpacking.  From Portland, drive to The Dalles on I-84, then continue east on I-84.  About 14 miles from The Dalles, follow the signs to "Deschutes State Park" or "Deschutes Recreation Area". Follow the signs into the Deschutes State Park Campground about 17 miles east of The Dalles.

Eagle Creek to Tunnel Falls is an out and back 12 mile hike featuring wildflowers, views, waterfalls, and wilderness. From Portland, travel East on I-84, and turn off at Exit #41. At the bottom of the ramp go right. At the end of the road.  Continue a short ways to a large parking lot. There are really a couple a major trailheads here. The Eagle Creek Trail starts at the end of the road.

Klickitat Trail - Swale Canyon is an out and back 10.2 mile trail that features wildflowers, views, and bird watching.  It is located in the Eastern Gorge area of Washington. The Swale Canon portion of the trail will be closed if there is a high fire danger.  From Portland take I-84 East to Exit 64/Hood River. Turn left onto the Hood River Bridge. In 1.1 miles, turn right onto WA 14 (toward Lyle). In 11.1 miles, turn left onto 6th St. (becomes Lyle Goldendale Rd. and Centerville Hwy.). Go roughly 16 miles to the Swale Canyon Trailhead parking area on the right.

10 or More Mile Difficult Hikes

Bell Creek Loop is a 14.5 mile hike in the Western Gorge area of Oregon.  It features wildflowers, waterfalls, views and wilderness.  From Portland, go East on I-84 to the Bridal Veil exit (#28). Drive East on the Historic Highway 5.1 miles to a small parking lot on the left, just before the Oneonta Gorge. The start is at the Oneanta Trailhead.

Eagle Creek to Wahtum Lake is a 26.5 mile loop in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  This hike features wildflowers, waterfalls, views, wilderness and a restroom facility.  There is a 5,310 foot elevation gain.  From Portland, go East on I-84 to Exit #41. At the bottom of the ramp turn right. Go about 1/2 mile to the end of the road.  Continue a short ways to a large parking lot.

Herman Creek Trailhead to Mud Lake is a 17.8 mile out and back hike that requires a NW Forest Pass.  This hike features wildflowers, views, and wilderness.  It has an elevation gain of 3,400 feet.

From Portland go East on  I-84 East to exit 41,Cascade Locks. Take the road through town, East, then under the freeway, continue East on the frontage road on the South side of the freeway to the Herman Creek Campground sign.

Larch Mountain via Multnomah Falls is a 15.8 mile out and back hike in the Western Gorge area of Oregon.  This hike features wildflowers, waterfalls, views, and wilderness.  The hike starts a Multnomah Falls and there is an elevation gain of 4,010 feet on this hike.  From Portland take I-84 East to Exit 31. Walk under the footbridge to Multnomah Falls Lodge.

Larch Mountain via Oneonta Trail is an out and back 17.2 mile hike with an elevation gain of 4,400 feet.  It starts out at Oneonta Trail in the Western Gorge area of Oregon and features wildflowers, waterfalls, views, and wilderness.  From Portland take I-84 east to Exit 31. Walk under the footbridge to Multnomah Falls Lodge.

Multnomah Falls - Franklin Ridge Loop is a 13 mile hike in the Western Gorge area in Oregon.  The hike features wildflowers, waterfalls, and beautiful views.  From Portland take I-84 east to Exit 31. Walk under the footbridge to Multnomah Falls Lodge.

Multnomah Falls - Larch Mountain Loop is a 15.8 mile hike in the Western Gorge area of Oregon.  This hike has an elevation gain of 4000 feet and features beautiful views, waterfalls, and wildflowers.  From Portland take I-84 east to Exit 31. Walk under the footbridge to Multnomah Falls Lodge.

Nesmith Point is an out and back 10.2 mile hike with an elevation gain of 3,700 feet in the Mid-Gorge area of Oregon.  This hike features wildflowers, views, and wilderness.  From Portland, go East on I-84  to Exit 35, marked Dodson. Turn left at the stop sign, then immediately turn right onto the frontage Road. Drive east on the frontage road 2.1 miles and turn right into the trailhead parking lot. The lot will be just before the road re-enters the highway.

Nick Eaton Ridge Loop is a 14.0 mile hike in the Mid-Gorge area in Oregon.  It has an elevation gain of 4000 feet and you must have a NW Forest Pass.  The hike features wildflowers, views and wilderness.  Take I-84 East from Portland to exit 41 for Cascade Locks. Take the road through town, East, then under the freeway, continue East on the frontage road on the South side of the freeway to the Herman Creek Campground sign. The hike starts at the Herman Creek Trailhead.

Table Mountain is an out and back hike 15.8 miles long with an elevation gain of 3,200 feet.  It is in the Mid-Gorge area of Washington and features wildflowers, views, and cultural history.  From Portland, take I-84 east and exit at Cascade Locks. Cross the Columbia River to Washington State over the Bridge of the Gods (toll required). Take a left on Rt 14 and go about a mile and a half. Start looking for the sign for the trailhead parking on your right shortly after you see the Bonneville Dam on your left.

Portland Hikers offers trails in the Columbia Gorge as well as other areas including pictures.

Northwest Hiker offers interactive hiking guides to hikes in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana.


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